Foundation & Development
If you’re new to running and not sure how to start or would like coaching towards your first event then Speedplay’s Foundation and Development focus coaching is designed just for you.
Based upon a thorough analysis of YOUR current fitness, health, injury history, running or sporting background, family/work commitments and more Sarah will design a personalised programme for you from scratch that will help you reach your goals.
By combining her physiotherapy and coaching skills Sarah will also do a video analysis of your running gait and muscle balance testing, to help get you running efficiently and injury-free no matter where you live.
Your training will be prescribed and monitored/tweaked via Training Peaks, which can be accessed on a desktop computer or phone app.
There are no limits on questions, on whatever medium suits you best, e.g. phone, text, Facebook Messenger, email, Skype, Zoom, in person.

“High quality advice and coaching are key to running confidently and reducing injury at any time, but especially when you are new to the sport or are looking to build towards your first running events.
While running is beautifully simple there are a wide range of factors that will impact on a person’s health and enjoyment. Which shoes to choose, nutrition, stretching, running technique, recovery, goal setting - the list goes on.
I get a huge amount of pleasure working with people to help them enjoy their running more, and I tailor each of my Foundation and Development coaching packages to the individual’s needs.”
— Sarah Biss